Travel and booking conditions
ANVR Traveller Terms |
ANVR Traveller TermsMerapi Tour & Travel (KvK 1607 6123) is affiliated with ANVR. The ANVR maintains strict membership standards and promotes the quality of travel and information related to it. The trips offered on this website are subject to the ANVR Traveler Terms and Conditions (ANVR Travel Terms for package tours and/or ANVR Booking Terms for individual travel services and/or Linked Travel Arrangement Terms), which apply to all offers on this website unless explicitly stated otherwise. |
Merapi Aanvullende Touroperator voorwaarden |
De navolgende bepalingen zijn door Merapi Tour & Travel zelf vastgesteld. Hierover heeft wat betreft de inhoud van deze artikelen geen overleg plaatsgevonden tussen ANVR en Consumentenbond in het kader van de Coördinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg van de Sociaal-Economische Raad. Behoudens de in de voorwaarden zelf toegestane afwijkingen kunnen deze eigen bepalingen geen afbreuk doen aan de ANVR-Reizigersvoorwaarden en zijn uitsluitend bedoeld als aanvulling op de ANVR-voorwaarden daar waar dat vermeld staat in de ANVR-voorwaarden zelf en/of om de positie van de reiziger verder te versterken. |
Article 1: Payment deposit and remaining amount1. When reaching a travel agreement a deposit shall be paid equal to 20% of the agreed total travel sum / travel arrangement costs. |
Article 2: CancellationThese days, it is quite common that flight tickets have to be fully paid within a few days after the booking. For some hotels, dive resorts and cruises deviating conditions are also applicable. When a travel agreement is cancelled by the traveler the cancellation terms and conditions of the various suppliers apply, as specified in the booking confirmation/invoice, plus a surcharge of € 50 per booking to cover the administrative costs of Merapi. |