• Tobameer
  • Samosir
  • Tangkahan
  • Bohorok

Round trip 28 days classical and cultural Sumatra, Java en Bali

Round trip 28 days classical and cultural Sumatra, Java en Bali

This round trip takes you through the culture and the nature of Sumatra, Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters.
Get acquainted with the Batak culture at Lake Toba. Via Bukittingi and the Maninjau Lake to Padang.
Along the highlights of Java, including the historic centre of Jakarta, the big Botanic Garden in Bogor, a train trip from Bandung to the famous Borobudur, the impressive Bromo volcano and the plantations on east Java around Kalibaru.
Then you cross with the ferry to Bali and enjoy the wonderful beaches of Bali.

The trip and the accommodations are perfectly suited for both young and old. Almost every hotel has a swimming pool.

On the way, plenty of attention and time for stops where you have time to take pictures, walk through the nature and meet with everyday life and the people on Sumatra and Java.

When you travel with a guide he is very attentive and tells you about the country and its customs.

Target prices 2025

Included and excluded

•Accommodaties op basis van logies en ontbijt in middenklasse hotels
•Privé auto of busje met chauffeur, zijn maaltijden en overnachtingen
•Excursiepakket Sumatra
•Excursiepakket Java
•Treinreis in Executif klas Bandung - Borobudur
•Genoemde excursies onderweg van noord naar zuid Bali

•Intercontinentale vluchten
•Binnenlandse vlucht Padang-Jakarta
•Overige maaltijden
•Fooien en uitgaven van persoonlijke aard
•Reis-en annuleringsverzekeringen
•Boekingskosten € 27,50 per boeking
•Bijdrage Calamiteitenfonds €2,50 per boeking
•Bijdrage SGR € 5 per persoon
•CO2 compensatie € 22 per persoon