• Java Batavia
  • Java Multaltuli straat Rangkasbitung
  • angklung
  • Java Papandayan
  • Baturraden
  • Borobudur
  • Java Merapi
  • Becaks Yogya
  • Bromo
  • Java sawa
  • Java Sukamade turtle

Reizen Trips Voyages Java


Java: Landbouw in de bergen
Java is pretty much the beating heart of Indonesia. The capital Jakarta, including the suburbs, has as many inhabitants as the Netherlands, about 17 million.
The further east, the quieter it gets, apart from Indonesia's second city, Surabaya. In Java, just about every square meter is used to live and work. Fruit and vegetables are grown in the city, on the countryside and even on the flanks of the volcanoes.

Java is the only island where you can also travel by train, which is a comfortable way to travel, but don't think of the Dutch railway network where a train passes every half hour. Often there are only 1 or 2 trains per day on a (long) route, which also have beautiful names such as the Argo Wilis or Malioboro Express. The stretch from Bandung to the east in particular is a beautiful drive through the Preanger Mountains.

Highlights include: Kota Lama (Old City) of Jakarta, Kebon Raya Botanical Garden in Bogor, Tankungban Perauh Volcano and Tea Gardens at Bandung, Borobudur and Prambayan Temples at Yogyakarta and Bromo Volcano in East Java. But for those who have time, there is so much more!

The history of the Dutch East Indies can be found mainly in Java. For those interested in history, Rangkasbitung (Multatuli's Max Havelaar), Malabar (Hella Haase's Heeren van de thee) and Linggarjati (where an agreement was concluded between the Netherlands and the Republic of Indonesia in 1946) are places to visit. The cities of Bandung and Malang still have beautiful neighborhoods from the Dutch period.

Nature lovers will get their money's worth in the national parks of Ujung Kulon (west) and Meru Beriti (east). Divers have little to look for here, except at Karimunjawa off the coast of Semarang. Pulau Seribu, the thousand islands near Jakarta are not worth a visit.

Volcano climbers will love the simple Tankungban Perahu near Bandung and the Bromo or Kawah IJen in east Java, or the tricky Merapi (where does that name come from?) Near Yogyakarta or the Semeru near Malang.
Good food can be enjoyed culinary in the big cities and locally at thousands of warungs and rumah makans. From west to east you will also notice differences in the recipes: In west Java the kitchen is still quite hot, around Yogyakarta and central Java people eat much sweeter.


Klimaat Java
The rainy season usually starts in November-December and lasts until March. There are daily heavy showers during these months, often in the late afternoon and in the evening. Occasionally you can also have a few full days of rain.
From April until October it's dry season with only every now and then a shower. All year round, the temperature is around 30 degrees Celcius and at night some 5 degrees less.
Bekijk in het grootView enlarged
Afstanden Java
Bekijk in het grootView enlarged

Example round trips Java

Java is a perfectly suited island for cultural or adventurous round trips. Our favourite Java-Bali Teenage tour is a round trip over Java and Bali for teens and young adults, where also parents will find what they are looking for.
Other Java round trips have a specific character, sometimes more culture, sometimes more adventure and often in combination with other islands. All our Java example round trips unfold in a relaxed pace. There are often 2 or 3 overnight stays at the same hotel, we mostly arrive in the afternoon at our destination and there is enough time on the way to make nice stops. Our Java round trips invite you to meet the hospitable local people and show you the real Indonesia without skipping the highlights. We know Indonesia inside out and we'd like to let you taste something of this beautiful country, both literally and figuratively.

Voorbeeldreizen Example trips Java

Round trip 22 days adventurous and cultural Java and Bali

Boot Pangandaran/Cilacap
This round trip takes you to the nature of Java and brings you regularly in contact with the local people. A comfortable individual round trip with plenty of room for special encounters. Along the highlights on Java, with amongst others, the big Botanical Garden in Bogor, the Green Canyon in Panga...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Roundtrip 16 days Middle- and East java and Bali - Culture and adventure

Borobudur sunrise
This round trip takes you to East Java and Bali and brings you regularly in contact with the local population. A comfortable individual tour with plenty of room for special encounters. Discover Indonesia, with the highlights of Java, including the famous Borobudur and a train trip to the Bromo vo...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Roundtrip 19 days Java by train

Kereta Api (trein)
During your train journey across Java, you will have the opportunity to visit various highlights along the way, such as the old harbor in Jakarta, the Art Deco buildings and angklung music school in Bandung, and of course, the Borobudur Temple and Mount Bromo. At the end of your trip, you’ll also vi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Round trip 20 days classical Java and Bali

Jakarta Cafe Batavia
A comfortable individual journey through Java with plenty of space for special encounters. Along the highlights of Java, including the historic centre of Jakarta, the large Botanic Garden in Bogor, the famous Borobudur, the impressive Bromo volcano and the plantations on East Java near Kalibaru. ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Group tours Java

Gedung Sate, Bandung
Merapi regularly organizes group tours to Indonesia. Sometimes themed tours, but we also propose round trips for small groups.

For those who want to make a tour in Indonesia with a group of friends, colleagues or family, we are happy to put together a tailor-made tour.

Groepsreizen Group trips Java

Tour modules round trips Java

Ujung Kulon canoOur Java tour modules are perfectly fit for those who have booked their tickets themselves and only want to book the overland tour. From classic or more adventurous to west and central Java or central and east Java, we offer a wide choice of Java round trips. In addition we also have a beautiful out-of-the-ordinary round trip over west Java.
Our tour modules are round trips with surprising encounters and a combination of culture, nature and highlights. The Merapi team will be delighted to adapt these tour modules into a tailored trip for you.

Bouwstenen Building blocks Java

Tour module 14 days culture and adventure Java

Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta
This round trip takes you to the nature of Java and brings you regularly in contact with the local people. A comfortable individual round trip with plenty of room for special encounters. Along the highlights on Java, with amongst others, the big Botanical Garden in Bogor, the Green Canyon in Panga...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Tour module 12 days Classic Java

Tahu fabriekje
A comfortable individual trip over Java with special interests for culture and history and plenty of room for special encounters. Along the highlights on Java, with amongst others, the historic centre of Jakarta, the big Botanical Garden in Bogor, the famous Borobudur, the impressive Bromo volcan...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Tour module 10 days from Jakarta to Yogyakarta

A tour module round trip with the highlights of West Java and focus for culture and nice encounters. You travel from Jakarta, Bandung and Pangandarang to Yogyakarta. On the way from Bandung to Pangandaran you make a beautiful train journey through the mountainous Preanger area. The round trip and ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Tour module 8 days Java, from Yogyakarta to Bali

java kraton yogya
This round trip from Yogyakarta via east Java takes you to your hotel on Bali. Your driver drives you along the nature on Java and brings you regularly in contact with the local people. A comfortable individual round trip with many opportunities for special encounters. Along the highlights of centr...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Bouwsteen meditatie en retreatment op bounty-eiland Karimunjawa

Alam Kita
This spiritual journey takes you to the bounty island of Karimunjawa, off the north coast of Java. During your stay you can participate in the Yoga sessions, meditations or in one of the retreatments. On various dates there are special retreatments in small groups. You will stay in the small-scale...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Bouwsteen relaxen en snorkelen op bounty-eiland Karimunjawa

Karimunjawa - Pantai Ujung Gelam
This spiritual journey takes you to the bounty island of Karimunjawa, off the north coast of Java. During your stay you can participate in the Yoga sessions, meditations or in one of the retreatments. On various dates there are special retreatments in small groups. You will stay in the small-scale...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Tour module west Java differently

A round trip for those who want to get to know the nature and culture of west Java. You will visit National park Ujung Kulon, the Krakatau volcano in Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra, the traditional Baduy people, visit the Multatuli museum in Rangkasbitung and see sea turtles in south-west ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Tour module 5 days Ujung Kulon National park

Java Ujung Kulong
This short tour takes you to Ujung Kulon National Park, one of the few parks with untouched nature. You will stay for four nights at NIKKI Peucang Natural Hideaway on Peucang Island. Enjoy beautiful walks and fantastic snorkeling. You can also go canoeing from the resort, but above all, you come her...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Anyer sunset
AnyerAnyer and Carita, just next to Anyer, are situated in the Strait of Sunda, the seaway between Java and Sumatra. People from Jakarta love to come here at weekends, so i t can get busy then.
The Krakatau is clearly visible from the beach. From Anyer y... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Gedung Sate, Bandung
BandungBandung was often called "Paris of Java". It was not until 2020 that I found out where that name came from: the many fashion shops, Mediterranean restaurants and other luxury boutiques gave Bandung a Parisian look at the beginning of the 20th century... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Museum Angkut - Batu
BatuBatu has always been one of the favourite holiday destinations of the earlier Dutch East Indies population. Its situation in the mountains ensures a pleasant climate and the village is surrounded by fruit cultivation. With its hot springs and many sw... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
BaturradenBaturaden is a resting point during your trip in Java. At the foot of the volcano Gunung Slamet, Baturraden is the starting point for beautiful walks through the mountainous nature. At Pancuran Tuju (literally translated the 7 showers), 7 hot springs... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Bung Karno museum
BlitarThe East Javanese city of Blitar is located south of the volcano Gunung Kawi. The Soekarno museum is located near Blitar. The museum takes you through the life of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno. At the museum is also the tomb of Bung Karno, as... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Plantentuin Bogor
BogorBogor (Buitenzorg) is located 50km south of Jakarta and is best known for its Botanical Garden. It often rains, so it’s comfortably cool and assures lush vegetation. In the Botanical gardens you can walk through the park where many plant species grow... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
java borobudur
BorobudurThe Borobudur is a famous temple complex built in the 9th century. It’s situated on a small hill near Yogyakarta and surrounded by other temples and volcanoes. The complex is 47 meters high and consists of nine stacked platforms. The platforms repres... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Bromo - TosariThe most famous volcano in Java, the Bromo, is located in the Tengger massif. Together with the craters of the Batok and Widodaren, the Brom crater is located in a sand sea of ​​80 square kilometers, which is surrounded by the caldera rim.
Before su... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
CipanasCipanas is a town on West Java, at about 800 meters altitude and it is located along the road. Cipanas means in Sundanese hot river, which indicates a river warmed by volcanoes.

It has a fresh climate for Indonesia, the population wears winter spo... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Cirebon Klenteng
CirebonCirebon is a port city in the north of West Java and has been nicknamed Shrimp City because of the former shrimp fishing. Today it is a modern medium-sized trading city, where rattan furniture - until the plastic rattan industry emerged - was the lar... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Uitbarsting Merapi 2010
Gunung MerapiGunung Merapi volcano is the most active volcano in Indonesia. A small eruption occurs on average every three years and a major one every ten to fifteen years. The last major eruption was in October 2010, spewing volcanic material up to a mile high. ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kawah Ijen
IjenThe Kawah IJen is the crater and crater lake of the IJen Mountains. The volcano is best known for its sulfur carriers, which extract sulfur almost every day in the crater and bring it about 5 kilometers away to the distribution point.

The Kawah Ij... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jakarta by night
JakartaJakarta, The Big Durian, you either love it or you walk away from it. It is the hometown of my mother, then called Batavia. In 1993 I was still in her birth house, a privilege that few Indos can still experience, as Jakarta has grown into a metropoli... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jatigede 2013
Jatigede SumedangJatigede Sumedang is not in itself a place you would want to go to, but a new dam makes it special:

The Jatigede Dam is an embankment dam currently under construction on the Cimanuk River in Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It i... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
JeparaJepara is a city north east of Semarang.
The city is known for the beautiful carvings and the teak industry and exports many wooden furniture to, among others, Europe.
Because of this industry there is relatively greater prosperity in this region. ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
JombangJombang is situated on East Java and is the end station of the train journey Yoyakarta – Bromo or – Malang.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Meru Betiri plantage
KalibaruKalibaru is most of the time your last stop on Java before you take the ferry to Bali. It’s a little village in the mountains close to the Raung Volcano near the Kawa Ijen plateau. The village is surrounded by plantations and it’s very pleasant to st... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
KaliklatakKaliklatak is a big old plantation of about 1000 hectares. They primarily grow coffee and rubber, but also bananas, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and cacao. The plantation is originally Dutch but in 1957 transferred to the Indonesians. It’s one of the fir... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Nirvana Laut
KarimunjawaThe small island Karimunjawa and surrounding little atolls are situated off the coast of Semarang in the Javasea.
This bounty island is mainly known by divers. No wonder. With wonderful corals and so many colourful fish you step into a tropical aqua... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kretekfabriek Kediri
KediriKediri is a typical, medium-sized East Javanese city, fully focused on daily life. It therefore has few tourist attractions. Places of interest include the Dolo waterfalls, the Surowono temple, the Puh Sarang church and the Bendung Gerak, the 150 met... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Villa Isola, Bandoeng
LembangLembang, named after a grass variety, is located at the foot of the tangkuban Perahu. It’s mainly known for its fruit culture and fruit market.
Walk through the market and smell the delicious flavours of ripe fruits, let your driver buy your favouri... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Linggarjati museum
LinggarjatiLinggarjati (Linggadjah) is a little village in the mountains on the flanks of Mount Ciremai, south of Cirebon. The village is mainly known for the Linggadjati-agreement, the treaty between the Dutch and the Republic of Indonesia.
Nowadays a Museum,... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
MaduraMadura, an island north of Surabaya is one of the poorer regions of Java.
The Madurese used to be considered as excellent seamen and were known for their beautiful and good ships.
In August and September the annual bull races are held where a jocke... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
MagelangMagelang is a pleasant cool place at 40km from Yogyakarta. It’s surrounded by mountains like the Merapi volcano and the Sumbing and Sindoro. On the one side Semarang and on the other side of the mountains Yogyakarta.
From Magelang you can make beaut... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
java malabar thee
MalabarMalabar is an area high in the mountains near mount Malabar about two a two-hour drive south of Bandung. During the 19th century huge tea plantations were established by the Kerkhoven family. In her novel ‘Heeren van de thee’ (‘Lords of Tea’) Hella S... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
IJen boulevard
MalangNinety kilometers south of Surabaya is the charming city of Malang. Malang owes its first riches to coffee cultivation, but is now known as an apple city. The apples from Malang are exported worldwide. There are several fruit orchards in the vicinity... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
NagrakNagrak is a small place south of Bogor and not far from Sukabumi, West Java.
There is much to see and to do in this region where only few tourists come. From walking in the immediate surrounding, jungle-tracking in Gunung Halimun National Park to a... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Green Canyon, Pangandaran
PangandaranPangandaran has developed from a small fishing village into a popular seaside resort. Although the main income still consists of fishing, tourism now also employs a large part of the population.

The Green Canyon is highly recommended from Panganda... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Pelabuhan Ratu
Pelabuhan Ratu
Pelabuhan Ratu is a fishing village near Sukabumi, West Java. Residents of Jakarta and Bandung like to come here on weekends to escape the city noise. Pelabuhan Ratu is located in a bay that has the shape of a horseshoe. In the Dutch East Indies pe... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Peucuang island
Peucang island - Ujong KulonPeucang is an island within the Ujung Kulon National Park in West Java.
There is hardly any development on the island; you will find the NIKKI Peucang Natural Hideaway Resort and a type of group accommodation.
The island is also home to deer, wild ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
RangkasbitungRangaksbitung is where Eduard Douwes Dekker (Multatuli) was assistant resident of Lebak. There is a small museum, where, if you are lucky, you will be well informed by a student from Multatuli university.

In the vicinity of Rangkasbitung live the ... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
java candi sukuh
SUKUHThe mountain village of Tawangmanggu is located on the flanks of the Gunung Lawu volcano. The area is best known for the ancient Hindu temples Candi Sukuh and Candi Ceto. You can also take beautiful walks here, for example to the Jumog or Grojogan Se... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
SaranganSarangan is located halfway between Madiun and Solo on the volcanic lake of Sarangan. Due to its location in the mountains, there is a cooler climate here and is therefore a popular holiday resort for Indonesians. There are relatively few foreign tou... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij, Semarang
SemarangSemarang is the provincial capital of Mid-Java. The town is known for its big Chinese population. The name of the town comes from the combination of the words asem (tamarinde) and arang (rarely.) Its nickname is "Kota Jamu" (The herbal drinks town) b... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Solo Batik
SoloThe town Solo dates back to the Hindu-Javanese empires. Solo, in former times Surakarta, is the oldest cultural centre of Java.
During the 9th century the area around Solo was dominated by Hindu and Buddhistic empires. At that time important constr... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sukamade turtle
SukamadeSukamade is a fisher and plantation village at the south coast of East Java. It’s in the middle of the Meru Betiri natural park and only accessible by jeep.
The biggest attraction of Sukamade is the turtle centre. Almost every day giant turtles com... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Surabaya - Majapahit hotel
SurabayaSurabaya is named after a shark, Sura, and a crocodile, Baya, who should have fought in the river Kalimas (the Golden River). Neither of them survived, and the place where they died is the centre of Surabaya.
The harbour is the second biggest harbo... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Telaga Warna
Telaga Warna - west JavaTelaga Warna is a volcanic lake, located near the Puncak pass on the Indonesian island of Java between Bogor and Bandung. The lake plays a major role in the debut novel Oeroeg by Hella Haasse.... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
TretesTretes used to be popular as a holiday destination from Surabaya.
In the cooler climate where you do not need air conditioning it is pleasant to stay.
There are many possibilities to entertain you sporting : golf, horse riding or a walking along th... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Ujung Genteng
Ujung GentengUjung Genteng is a fishing village on West Java in the Sukabumi district.
The town is particularly known for the sea turtles that lay their eggs on the beach here. Surfers also know how to find Ujung Genteng. The nearby waterfalls Cigansa and Cikaso... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Ujung Kulon cano
Ujung Kulon
Ujung Kulon National Park is located at the extreme southwestern tip of Java. The park also includes several surrounding islands including the volcanic archipelago Krakatau and Peucang. The park has an area of ​​1206 km². The park has been a UNESCO... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
WonosoboStarting from the capital from central Java Wonosobo you can easily reach the Dieng plateau.
Wonosobe is situated at about 700m above sea level so it’s got a nice cool climate.
Around Wonosobe there are many tobacco and mushroom plantations.
In W... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires
Yogya batik stempel
YogyakartaYogyakarta is the cultural center of Java, the soul of the island. It is also one of the nicest and most interesting cities in Indonesia. Partly because of the walled royal palace, Kraton, which is already a town in itself. You will find countless hi... Meer infoMore infoInformations supplémentaires

Accommodaties Accommodations Hébergements Java


Patra Jasa - Anyer
Patra Anyer
The comfortable Patra Jasa Anyer is located by the sea. Our rooms all have views of the Sunda Strait. In good weather you can see Sumatra on the other side Number of rooms: 70 The hotel has a nice swimming pool and a tennis court. All rooms have AC, coffee / tea facilities and a balcony or terra...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jayakarta - Anyer
Jayakarta Anyer
The Jayakarta is located directly on the beach of Anyer - Carita. The hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant, spa and tennis court. There are different types of bungalows, located in the garden and suites in a 2-floor building. We choose the Suites with sea view (and Krakatau). The suites have AC,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Prama Grand Preanger - Bandung
Grand Preanger
The Grand Preanger is a luxury 4 * hotel located on the Jalan Asia Africa, the former Post Road in Bandung. The many facilities of the hotel ensure a perfect stay in this city. All rooms have air conditioning, bathroom, telephone, TV, WiFi, minibar, coffee / tea making facilities and private saf...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Savoy Homann - Bandung
Savoy Homann - Bandung
Selamat datang di tempo doeloe! The beautiful Art Deco-style Savoy Homann is located in one of the colonial neighbourhoods in the centre of Bandung on the old Post Road Jalan Asia Africa. The rooms have now been modernized but the public areas have luckily kept the Art Deco style. In the beautif...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Mutiara - Bandung
Mutiara Bandung1
Een zeer comfortabel hotel. Centraal gelegen in Bandung, aan de hoofdweg. Alle kamers beschikken over AC, telefoon, tv, badkamer met bad en douche, haardroger (op aanvraag), koelkastje, koffie-en theezetfaciliteiten, kluisje en wifi. . Aantal kamers: 112 Faciliteiten: Restaurant, bar/café...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Padma - Bandung
Padma Bandung
Het luxe Padma hotel ligt prachtig in de bergen in het Dago gebied van Bandung. De kamers zijn modern, ruim en comfortabel. Het hotel heeft 124 kamers, waarvan wij de Premier en Hillside studio's aanbieden. Deze kamers zijn uitgerust met AC, telefoon, tv, Dvd speler, badkamer met douche, bad, t...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sukajadi - Bandung
Het Sukajadi Hotel is een eenvoudige boutique accommodatie op loopafstand van Paris Van Java, het grootste openluchtwinkelcentrum van Bandung. Het hotel heeft tropische tuinen, een buitenzwembad en een restaurant. De kamers zijn verdeeld over twee verdiepingen rond het zwembad. Uw kamer heeft een...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
The Papandayan - Bandung
Papandayan Hotel
In 2011 volledig gerenoveerd stijlvol en luxe hotel vlakbij het centrum van Bandung. Vanaf het fraaie zwembad heeft u uitzicht op de Tangkuban Prahu vulkaan. Alle kamers zijn uitgerust met telefoon, tv, badkamer, haardroger, koffie-en theezetfaciliteiten, minibar, kluisje en wifi (toeslag). A...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Vio Hotel Cimanuk - Bandung
Vio Cimanuk
Op slechts 5 minuten lopen van het historische Gedung Sate ligt het Vio Cimanuk hotel. De kamers beschikken alle over TV, minibar, kluisje en gratis Wifi. Het hotel beschikt over een lift en een restaurant.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
House Sangkuriang - Bandung
House in Art Deco gebouwde Sangkuriang is een kleinschalig (55 kamers) hotel in de wijk Dago. Vanuit het restaurant en zwembad kunt u genieten van het mooie uitzicht. Alle kamers beschikken over AC, koffie/thee faciliteiten, minibar en een balkon. In het gehele complex is gratis WiFi. Er is een lift...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Selaras Guesthouse - Bandung
Selaras Guesthouse
Het kleinschalige Selaras guesthouse ligt in een wijk waar nog veel huizen uit de Nederlandse periode staan. Op loopafstand zijn veel restaurantjes en winkeltjes en aan de rand van het Taman Cibeunying park vindt u vele eetstalletjes. Alle kamers beschikken over airco, eigen badkamer en in de publi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Artotel de Braga - Bandung
De Braga
Artotel de Braga is een redelijk luxe en modern hotel in het hartje van Bandung aan de bekende Braga winkelstraat. Onder het hotel bevindt zich het Sarinah warenhuis. Het hotel heeft een zwembad, Spa, restaurant en bar. De kamers variëren van 22 (Studio), 28 (Studio Deluxe) tot 35 (suite) m2. de B...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Vasaka Maison - Bandung
Vasaka Maison
Centraal gelegen hotel aan de Jalan Asia-Afrika. Het hotel biedt Superior en Deluxe kamers, waarvan wij de Deluxe kamers aanraden. Het hotel heeft een restaurant, bar en buitenzwembad. In 2023 nog geen WiFi in de kamers. meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Ketapang Indah - Banyuwangi
Ketapang Indah
Ketapang Indah is located directly by the sea, just outside the town of Banyuwangi where the Ferry crosses from Java to Bali. There is no beach. You can also not enter the sea from the hotel because there is a fence. The swimming pool and bungalows are situated in a beautiful garden with many palm ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Kartika Wijaya - Batu
Kartika Wijaya2
The Kartika Wijaya is a pleasant mix of nostalgia and modern construction located in a beautiful area. There is a playground and a petting zoo, which makes the hotel very suitable for families with children. And adults will not get bored with the many sports facilities. All rooms located in the ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Grand Kanaya - Batturaden
Grand Kayana
The somewhat dated Queen Garden hotel enjoys a beautiful location in the mountainous area of Baturraden. The rooms are neat, spacious and clean. All rooms are comfortably furnished and equipped with a bathroom with bath or shower, television, telephone, wifi, mini fridge and balcony. Number o...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Santos Homestay - Baturraden
Santos Homestay
Santos Homestay is the hospitable guesthouse of Santos and Suci. The homestay is the most friendly stay in Baturraden, between the rice fields and nature. Santos and Suci are known for their hospitality and their delicious traditional food. Santos Home Stay has two double guest rooms which were c...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Tugu - Blitar
Tugu Suites Blitar
Small-scale hotel located in a beautiful historic building dating from 1850, surrounded by a beautiful garden in the friendly town of Blitar. At about 3 km from the tomb of the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno. 10 km from the Penataran temple, the largest Hindu temple in East Java, 30 km from ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Santika Bogor - Bogor
Santika Bogor3
Hotel Santika Bogor is located in the busy center of Bogor at Botanic Square, right in front of the Botanical Gardens and the new shopping mall. It is not the most cosy hotel, the decor is quite cold and not the most quiet hotel either. But it does have all the comfort, a good restaurant and a nice...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
New Mirah - Bogor
New Mirah Bogor
The Mirah hotel is a few minute drive from the shopping centre and Bogor Botanical Garden. A fine middle class hotel with friendly staff. Many restaurants and shops in the neighbourhood. All rooms have AC, bathroom with shower, telephone, TV, coffee / tea facilities, minibar and free Wifi. Nu...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Novotel Golf resort Bogor 5* - Bogor
Novotel Bogor
The Novotel Bogor Golf Resort and Convention Center is a beautiful 4-star hotel just a 45-minute drive from the centre of Jakarta. Set amid breathtaking gardens and an 18-hole golf course, it is perfect for business and leisure trips. All rooms are equipped with AC, telephone, TV, Wifi, bathroom ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kampoeng wisata Cinangneng - Bogor
Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng
The small guesthouse Kampoeng Wisata Cinangneng is a short distance from Bogor. It only has 10 rooms, of which one is a family room. The guesthouse fits perfectly in the style of Merapi: there are plenty of opportunities to talk with the locals in the kampong. The guesthouse is happy to take you on...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Salak Hotel - Bogor
Salak Heritage
The Salak Heritage hotel is within walking distance of the botanical garden. Although the hotel dates back to the colonial period and both architecture and interior have been preserved, Heritage sounds a bit exaggerated. However, the location and tranquility make a lot of things. The superior and...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Saraswati - Borobudur
This small and very beautiful hotel is named after the Hindu goddess Saraswati and is situated at a short distance from the Borobudur in Magelang. The luxurious, somewhat colonial-style hotel has 18 differently decorated and comfortable rooms. Most rooms overlook a tropical garden, some rooms have ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rumah Dharma I en II - Borobudur
Rumah Dharma I
Rumah Dharma bestaat uit 2 kleinschalige boutiqe resorts, elk met 8 cottages, een zwembad en een restaurantje. Beide resorts liggen op ongeveer 10 minuten rijden van de Borobudur. De kamers beschikken over airco, prive badkamer met warm stromend water en een eigen terrasje. Er is gratis WiFi.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Plataran - Borobudur
Plataran Borobudur
Beautiful and luxurious 5 * boutique hotel less than 2 km from the Borobudur. The hotel has 2 restaurants and a lovely swimming pool. With the Deluxe wooden villas, of course, nothing is wrong, but you can enjoy ultimate luxery in the Executive or Exclusive Suites. Expect all 5 * amenities and ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rumah Boedi - Borobudur
Rumah Boedi
At one and a half kilometers from the Borobudur, Rumah Boedi lies in the middle of a forest, near the river. The small-scale hotel has 12 standard "Keputren" rooms, 2 larger villas and one Grand villa with 2 bedrooms. All rooms have air conditioning, bathroom with hot running water, TV and a terrac...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Amata Borobudur resort
Amata Borobudur
Op slechts 4 kilometer van de Borobudur liht het typisch Javaanse Amata Borobudur resort. Het kleinschaligre resort heeft kamers in een hoofdgebouw die wij niet aanbieden, bungalows van 35 m2, iets ruimere en luxere Deluxe bingalows en riante familiebungalows. Vanuit het resort worden diverse excur...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Plataran Heritage - Borobudur
Plataran Heritage Borobudur
Het Plataran Heritage hotel ligt op ongeveer 10 minuten rijden van het Borobudur tempelcomplex. Het luxe hotel beschikt over ruime en mooie Deluxe en Deluxe Premier kamers. De kamers zijn behalve prachtig ook redelijk gehorig... Het hotel beschikt over 2 restaurants, een zwembad, lounge en bar. All...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Bromo - Tosari

Jiwa Jawa Bromo
Java banana1
The Jiwa Jawa Bromo is a relatively new hotel in the Bromo area. It opened its doors in 2009 and is built in modern eco friendly style. From this hotel you can easily reach the Bromo by means of the 4 x 4 jeeps. Outdoor sports such as mountain biking are proposed. There is also an open-air theate...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Lava View - Bromo
Lava View
Lava View is a very simple hotel, but ideally located directly on the edge of the Caldera, about half an hour's drive from the viewpoint of the sunrise over the Bromo. With good weather you have a magnificent view of the Bromo and other volcanoes from the hotel. The sunset over the volcanic landscap...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Yoschi's Hotel - Bromo
Het eenvoudige Yoschi's Hotel ligt op 2 km afstand van het dorpje Ngadisari en 5 km van de entree van de Bromo. Het heeft een prachtig uitzicht op de bergen. Het hotel beschikt over 18 economy kamers, 8 standaardkamers, 5 deluxe cottages, 3 bungalows, 2 familie cottages en 2 suites. De economy k...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Surya Indah - Cipanas
Surya Indah
The Surya Indah hotel is a middle class hotel located in Cipanas at the foot of Mount Gede. Because of the cool air you do not need air conditioning here. All rooms have a bathroom, telephone and TV. Number of rooms: 148 Facilities: Swimming pool, Spa, tennis court, playground, fishing lake, ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Santika Cirebon - Cirebon
Santika Ciremon1
Santika Cirebon is a good middle class hotel with a lovely swimming pool in the quiet part of Cirebon. In the vicinity of the hotel you will find restaurants and shops.   All rooms have air conditioning, safe, kettle, minibar, bathroom, TV, telephone and Wifi. Number of rooms: 86 Facilities:...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Sumber Alam Kampung - Garut
Kampung Sumber Alam
Dit cottage-resort is gelegen in het hoogland van Cipanas in een prachtige omgeving met uitzicht op de bergen en palmbomen. De in Sundanese stijl opgetrokken houten cottages staan letterlijk in een visvijver en zijn voorzien van een warmwaterbad met zwavelrijk bronwater afkomstig van de vulkaan Gun...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Bukit Alamanda resort - Garut
Bukit Alamanda
Het Bukit Alamanda resort ligt net buiten Garut. Vanuit dit kleine 2* hotel kijkt u uit over de heuvels en bergen van het Papandayan gebergte. 's Avonds kan het hier afkoelen tot zo'n 20 graden. De eenvoudige kamers liggen verspreid over 6 houten bungalows met daken van palmbladeren aan het water. ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Gunung Kidul

Kampoeng Baron
Kampoeng Baron
Kampoeng Baron is een guesthouse en restaurant en een unieke art-galery in één. Kampoeng Baron ligt op 10 minuten loopafstand van Baron Beach en beschikt over een klein aantal sfeervolle verblijfsaccommodaties waar u heerlijk tot rust kunt komen en de prachtige omgeving op eigen gelegenheid of per e...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Ijen Resort - Banyuwangi
Ijen Resort is the only luxury hotel in this region. It is situated at an altitude of 650m in a beautiful setting on the edge of the Ijen National Parc. From your terrace or balcony you enjoy the panoramic view over beautiful rice terraces and forests to the volcanoes! From the garden you can even s...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Ijen Cliff resort - Banyuwangi
Ijen Cliff
Ijen Cliff hotel is located 496 m high in a beautiful location on the edge of the Ijen National Parc. From your terrace or balcony you can enjoy the panoramic view over beautiful rice terraces and forests to the volcanoes! From the garden you can even see a dash of ocean. A wonderful place to unwind...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jiwa Jawa IJen - Banyuwangi
Jiwa Jawa IJen
Het Jiwa Jawa IJen resort ligt op de flanken van het IJen gebergte. Het resort herbergt Deluxe-, Executive-, Familiekamers en suites. Deluxe kamers beschikken over privé badkamer met douche, airco, koffie- en theefaciliteiten, kluisje, föhn en WiFi. De duurdere kamers hebben daarnaast een koelkastj...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Grand Harvest Resort - Ijen
Grand Harvest 2-bedroom poolvilla
Het Grand Harvest resort ligt op de flanken van de berg Merapi (oost Java) op 600 meter boven zeespiegel. Het is er lekker koel, tussen de 15 en 20 graden. Het resort ligt op ongeveer 20 minuten rijden van de parkeerplaats van de Kawah IJen, hét doel van deze bestemming. Het resort beschikt over een...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Le Grandeur - Jakarta
Le Grandeur1
Hotel Le Grandeur **** is located at the business district of Jakarta a few minutes from the "old" Batavia and Sunda Kelapa. In the area you can find various shopping malls and restaurants. All rooms have air conditioning, bathroom, hairdryer, telephone, satellite TV, internet access and daily new...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Santika Premiere Jakarta - Jakarta
Santika Premiere Jakarta
Hotel Santika Premiere is located in the district of Slipi, West Jakarta. The friendly staff will do everything to make your stay in this hotel as pleasant as possible. All rooms have AC, TV, telephone, bathroom with shower, bath and hairdryer, desk, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar and...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Ibis Kemayoran - Jakarta
Ibis Kemayoran1
The Ibis Jakarta Kemayoran hotel is located in the historical center of Jakarta, near the fairground, twenty-five minutes away from Soekarno Hatta International Airport, ten minutes from the Mangga Dua shopping area in the Chinese Quarter and five minutes from Gambir Station. The rooms are just like...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Alila Jakarta 5* - Jakarta
Alila Jakarta
The modern 5-star hotel Alila Jakarta is located in the historical part of Jakarta, near Kota Tua where the buildings from the colonial era have been preserved. It has 246 tastefully designed comfortable rooms. Each room contains AC, telephone, TV, bathroom with shower, hairdryer, bathrobes, safe...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Best Western Mangga dua - Jakarta
Best Western Mangga Dua
The modern Best Western Mangga Dua in Jakarta has 33 floors and is therefore the tallest building in all of Indonesia. The view over Jakarta is impressive. The hotel is located near Jakarta's largest shopping complex and local attractions. All rooms have AC, private bathroom, hairdryer, desk, TV,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Dharmawangsa Jakarta - Jakarta
Le luxueux Dharmawangsa 5 * est situé dans le district sud de Kebayuran Baru. L'hôtel respire le luxe de la période coloniale. Les chambres hautes, les sols en marbre et les meubles anciens font partie de la grandeur typique d'antan. L'hôtel dispose de nombreux très bons restaurants, avec entre aut...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
The Hang Tuah - Jakarta
The Hang Tuah
The cosy Hang Tuah is located in the quiet district of Kebayoran Baru, in southern Jakarta. When there's no traffic jam it is a half hour drive to the airport or the old centre. The hotel has only 17 rooms, all equipped with AC, bathroom with hot steaming water, minibar, TV, kettle and free WiFi. T...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Mercure Jakarta Batavia
ercure Jakarta Batavia is located in the old part of Jakarta (formerly Batavia), 500 meters from the Fatahillah Museum and Café Batavia. The nostalgic hotel has 376 modern rooms with a view over the city. The hotel offers free WiFi and features a restaurant and bars, a swimming pool and a fitness ce...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Veranda hotel Pakubuwono - Jakarta
Veranda hotel Pakubuwono
The modern Veranda hotel Pakubuwono is centrally located in Jakarta, about 8 kilometers from the National Monument. It radiates a boutique hotel. All rooms have a private bathroom, air conditioning, WiFi, coffee and tea making facilities, minibar, safe and flat screen TV. The hotel has a restauran...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Des Indes Menteng - Jakarta
Hotel Des Indes Menteng
Hotel Des Indes ligt in de wijk Menteng en kent een historie vanaf 1829. Het nostalgische hotel heeft nog steeds dezelfde elegante en chique uitstraling, terwijl de kamers volledig zijn aangepast aan de moderne tijd. Het hotel beschikt over een restaurant en bar en gratis wifi. Er is geen zwembad a...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Ocean View - Jepara
Ocean View
The small scale Ocean View hotel Jepara has only 20 rooms and is, as the name suggests, directly on the beach of the Java sea (and not the Ocean). The neat hotel has a nice swimming pool, restaurant and free WiFi in the rooms.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Kalibaru Cottages - Kalibaru
Kalibaru Cottages is surrounded by plantations at some distance from the centre of Kalibaru. The simple cottages are built around the beautiful pool and the reception / lobby lounge is a pleasant place to sit down and have something to drink. All rooms have their own shower / toilet (open air), mi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Margo Utomo - Kalibaru
Margo Utomo II
The plantation hotel Margo Utomo I is a simple guesthouse with a farm with Dutch cows and a mini plantation. When you stay at this hotel you can get a free guided tour of the plantation. Nutmeg, coffee, salak and palm oil are produced here in an eco-friendly way. You can also buy these products a...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rumah Kita Guesthouse - Kalibaru
Rumah Kita2
This cosy Guesthouse is located 3 km from Kalibaru and is run by a Dutchman. It consists of a 1-bedroom villa with 2 single beds and 2 guest houses, each with 2 rooms with double beds. A bed can be added in all rooms. The villa also has a large living room, kitchen and a large covered terrace for ge...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rumah Senang Guesthouse - Kalibaru
Rumah Senang
Senang, you feel good, that's what you do while staying in Rumah Senang. The guesthouse with 4 rooms is located a few kilometers from the village of Kalibaru. At the front you have a view of the Gunung Raung (3,300 meters) and at the back on the Gunung Putri with the river Kalibaru and the jungle...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


The Happinezz Hills Karimunjawa
The Happinez Hills
The Happinez Hills is a new (2019) hotel on a hill, just 2 kilomters away from the alun-alun, city centre and 3 kilomters from white sandy beaches. At a 2 minutes walk is the panoramic Bukit Love viewpoint. The hotel has 16 rooms, a swimming pool and restaurant. All rooms are equiped with private...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kura Kura resort - Karimunjawa
Kura Kura resort
The luxury boutique resort is located on the island of Kura Kura at the Karimunjawa islands. Kura Kura is Indonesian for turtles, where the resort has a special nursery for them. The resort has 15 superior and luxury cottages, 19 private pool villas and two family pool villas. Everything is very lu...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Alam Kita - Karimunjawa
Alam Kita
Het kleinschalige Alam Kita resort ligt aan de noordwestkust van het eiland Karimunjawa. Het resort ligt direct aan het strand en via de jetty is het al goed snorkelen. De sfeer in het resort is super relaxed en lekker informeel. De bungalows liggen deels op een helling, voor gasten met een rolstoe...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Grand Surya - Kediri
Grand Surya1
It’s a long way from Jogyakarta to Malang and Grand Surya is a great hotel for a stopover. This luxurious 4 * hotel was built in 2005 in the centre of Kediri. Many shops and restaurants in the immediate vicinity but you will not find tourist restaurants and souvenir shops. Kediri is not a tourist re...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Merdeka Hotel - Kediri
In this beautiful 3 * hotel you will find the old colonial atmosphere. The building has been refurbished but there are still enough old elements. The Superior rooms have a shower with hot water, toilet, television and air conditioning. Deluxe rooms also have a minibar and coffee and tea making fa...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Villa Venetys - Lembang
Villa Venetys1
Hotel Villa Venety's is about a 30 minutes' drive from Bandung. The hotel is located in the mountains. From the restaurant and terrace you can see the volcano Tangkuban Prahu (the reversed boat). A magnificent panorama! Lembang has a pleasant temperature that fluctuates between 22 and 26 degrees. I...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
San Gria resort & Spa - Lembang
San Gria Resort & Spa
Sangria Resort And Spa ligt in Lembang, op 30 minuten rijden van het centrum van Bandung. Het beschikt over een prachtig aangelegd zwembad en gezellige kamers met uitzicht op de bergen. Er is gratis internet beschikbaar. De kamers van het Sangria Resort zijn modern ingericht. Elke kamer heeft een...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Grage Sangkan - Linggarjati
Grace Sangkan
The Grage Sangkan hotel is a hotel where you, being a European, wonder how they actually meant it. Around a pool fed with hot spring water is a complex of rooms, there is a separate building with a number of (by the way excellent) rooms. Then there is a large outdoor swimming pool which is mainly u...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Puri Asri - Magelang
Puri Asri Magelang
A lovely hotel with many outdoor facilities. Puri Asri is located just outside Magelan, about a 30 minute drive from the Borobudur, in a beautiful area between mountains and rice fields on a river where you can go rafting. From the veranda in front of your room you overlook the valley. Because th...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
MesaStila - Magelang
In the middle of the coffee plantations lies the excellent 5 * boutiqueresort MesaStila. The 24 spacious (80 to 135 m2) villas have a living room and bedroom, a luxurious bathroom and toilet and a terrace with a beautiful view. The rooms are furnished with original antique furniture and decoration a...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Agrowisata Malabar - Bandung
Agrowisata Malabar
This pleasant guesthouse is situated in the middle of the tea plantations, about a half-hour drive from Bandung. The Bosscha family used to live here, known from Hella Haasse's book ‘The Lords of Tea. The simple pension has only a few rooms. From the guesthouse you can visit the tea plantations, ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Enny's Guesthouse - Malang
Enny's guesthouse
This cozy guesthouse is run by, how else, Enny. A somewhat older lady who speaks Dutch fluently. The simple clean guesthouse has 30 rooms, situated around a garden inspired by the Bromo landscape. The staff is very helpful. Enny's guesthouse is located in the centre of Malang, close to cafes, shop...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
The Shalimar - Malang
The Shalimar
After a thorough renovation, the old Graha Cakra was reopened as the Shalimar hotel. The Shalimar is a 20-minute walk from the centre of Malang and was built in the 1930s by a Dutch architect. During a major renovation, special care was taken to preserve the authentic colonial style and an extra wi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Santika Malang - Malang
Santika Malang
Centrally located 4 * hotel with 111 rooms. The rooms are tastefully furnished and equipped with AC, telephone, television, refrigerator with minibar, coffee / tea making facilities, safe, bathroom with bath / shower, slippers, hairdryer, wifi and balcony overlooking garden or swimming pool. N...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Tugu Malang - Malang
Tugu **** Malang
Remarkable 4 * Hotel. An invasion of rich and exotic colors fills the elegant and historic hotel, right in the heart of the old centre of Malang. Hotel Tugu Malang embodies the essence of the romantic folklore of the island of Java. The hotel is loaded with hundreds of antiques and priceless works...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Harris Hotel - Malang
Het moderne Harris hotel ligt op ca 8 km van het stadscentrum van Malang. De nieuwe ruime kamers zijn uitgerust met minibar, airconditioning, douche, badjassen, een buro, telefoon, tv, koffie/theefaciliteiten, kluisje en gratis wifi toegang. Aantal kamers: 229 Faciliteiten: Het hotel heef...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Merbabu guesthouse - Malang
Merbabu guesthouse
The small-scale Merbabu guesthouse is located in the historic mountain district in the center of Malang within walking distance of Ijen Cathedral and Ijen Boulevard. Nearby you will find Indonesian and Western restaurants and a traditional Indonesian market. The Guesthouse has 8 deluxe rooms and 3 ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Kampoeng Padi - Nagrak
Dago guesthouse - Kampung Padi
This special guesthouse is located in a mountainous area in the village of Nagrak, south of Bogor, west Java. It has a beautiful view over the somewhat lower rice fields. Kampung Padi consists of 5 completely different detached bungalows and a beautiful 18th century Arjuna Joglo as a common area. T...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Arnawa hotel - Pangandaran
Arnawa Pangandaran
The Arnawa hotel (formerly Puri Indah) in the fishing village of Pagandaran is a small hotel within 100m walking distance from the beach of Pangandaran and 500m from the nature reserve Cagar Alam and marine park Taman Laut. The rooms have a view of the garden or swimming pool. A becaktour through t...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hotel Sunrise Beach - Pangandaran
Sunrise beach hotel
Hotel Sunrise is located directly on the sea at Pangandaran. It is a simple hotel close to the fish market and the National Park. The hotel has a restaurant and a swimming pool. During weekends, the hotel is frequented by local tourists and Saturday evenings are noisy. All rooms have air conditio...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Nyiur Indah - Pangandaran
Nyiur Indah
The Nyiur Indah is a small and very cosy hotel, less than 100m from the beach of Pangandaran and close to the National Park. Along the beach many market stalls and restaurants. Pangandaran is primarily a seaside resort for local tourists. On weekends it is full of guests from Bandung and Jakarta. Du...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Pelabuhan Ratu

Ocean Queen - Pelabuhan Ratu
Ocean Queen
Ocean Queen is about 15 km outside the fishing town of Pelabuhan Ratu, right on the bay. At weekends it is often crowded with local tourists. There are two types of rooms, of which we only use the new Oceanview rooms. The rooms have AC, western toilet, and shower with hot water. meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Nava hotel - Tawangmanggu
Nava hotel - Tawangmanggu
Een fantastische locatie met adembenemend uitzicht! Het moderne Nava hotel beschikt over een goed restaurant, groot zwembad, 24-uurs receptie, gratis WiFi. Alle kamers hebben eigen badkamer, balkon, föhn, kluisje, TV, airco, waterkoker en minibar. meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Sarangan - Sarangan
Hotel Sarangan is gebouwd aan de oevers van het kratermeer Lake Sarangan . Het is een zeer eenvoudig hotel gebouwd in koloniale stijl uit de jaren 30. Vanuit uw kamer heeft u een mooi uitzicht op het meer. Alle kamers beschikken over een apart zitgedeelte met open haard, badkamer en veranda. ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Santika Premiere Semarang - Semarang
Santika semarang1
Hotel Santika Premier is located in the center of Semarang, with all the comforts you would expect from a 4 * hotel. All rooms have AC, telephone, TV, bathroom with bath, shower and hairdryer, minibar, coffee and tea making facilities, safe and wifi. Number of rooms: 127 Facilities: Restau...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Quest Semarang
Elk van de 155 kamers van dit 3-sterren hotel heeft alle comfort en gemakken van thuis. Om het verblijf van iedere gast comfortabel te maken hebben alle kamers televisie LCD/plasmascherm, airconditioning, douche, televisie. Dit uistekende hotel in Semarang heeft ook roomservice, lift, kluisje, resta...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Novotel Semarang - Semarang
Novotel Semarang
Novotel Semarang, strategisch gelegen in het centrale zakendistrict en tegenover het grootste en nieuwste winkelcentrum van de stad op ongeveer 500 meter van het station. Het hotel heeft 174 moderne en comfortabele kamers, waaronder één 'Executive'-verdieping en 4 suites. Gratis internet is aanwez...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kotta hotel - Semarang


Lorin - Solo
lor in solo
The luxurious 5 * hotel Lor-In is a stylish oasis surrounded by beautiful "lagoons", exotic gardens with impressive large statues, and rice fields. The hotel also has an exceptionally nice swimming pool. Lor-In is located between Adi Sumarno Airport and the city of Solo. The business district and th...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kusuma Sahid Prince- Solo
Sahid kusuma1
This former princely residence is now a 5 * hotel in the historical heart of Solo. You can also see this grandeur in, for example, the very attractive entrance hall in Javanese pendopo style. The hotel is within walking distance of the Sultan's Palace. In the immediate vicinity you will find nice s...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Roemah Koe Heritage - Solo
Roemah Koe
As the name suggests, Roemah Koe Heritage radiates colonial times. The stately old house of a rich batik merchant in the Sultan City Solo was built in 1938. In 2003 the building was renovated and opened as a hotel. The Art Deco architecture, the beautiful furniture from the Dutch East Indies period,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Royal Surakarta Heritage Hotel
Royal Surakarta Heritage is located in Solo's main street. Famous shopping venues such as Pasar Klewer, PGS, BTC and Kauman Batik Village are within walking distance. In the evening it is only a 5 minute walk to the food stalls in Galabo street. Extras of the hotel All rooms are luxuriously furnis...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Taman Sari - Sukabumi
Taman Sari
Een comfortabel hotel op enkele minuten lopen van het centrum van Sukabumi. Sukabumi ligt in een mooi bergachtig gebied waar het heerlijk koel is, nabij de vulkaan Gunung Gede en op een half uur rijden van de theeplantages. In de stad staat nog veel van voor 1942; de politie-academie, het telegraaf...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Wisma Sukamade baru - Sukamade
Wisma Sukamade Baru
This simple guesthouse is a three-quarter drive from the beach and turtle center, in the plantation village in the Meru Betiri nature reserve. There are 12 very simple rooms with three beds, bathroom with running cold water (some rooms have a shower, some a mandibak) and a simple western toilet. I...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Sukamade guesthouse
Sukamade Guesthouse
The very simple Sukamade guesthouse is located on the site of the turtle center and a five minute walk from the beach. Most rooms have a western toilet and shower with cold water.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Ibis Rajawali - Surabaya
Ibis Rajawali
Het hotel is gelegen in het historisch centrum van Surabaya. De vriendelijke staff maakt uw verblijf in Surabaya zeer aangenaam. Alle ruime kamers beschikken over airconditioning, waterkoker, minibar, tv, badkamer met douche en toilet. Aantal kamers: 147 Faciliteiten: Restaurant (Indonesisc...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Mirama - Surabaya
Hotel Mirama, nu onderdeel van de Mercure groep, ligt in het centrum van Surabaya naast het consulaat en regeringsgebouwen, vlakbij het Tugu Pahlawa (heldenmonument ter nagedachtenis van de strijd om Surabaya), het Mpu Tantular Museum (voorheen Stedelijk Historisch Museum Surabaya, nu Nationaal Muse...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Majapahit - Surabaya
Majapahit - Surabaya
Het voormalige Oranje hotel, gebouwd in 1910, is het tophotel in Surabaya. Het straalt nog steeds dezelfde klasse van weleer uit. Een klassiek symbool van nationale trots waar geschiedenis is verweven met romantiek en elegantie. De koloniale architectuur, de tot in de puntjes onderhouden tuinen met ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Varna culture hotel Soerabaia - Surabaya
Varna culture hotel Soerabaia - Surabaya
Het Varna is een kleinschalig (50 kamers) hotel in het centrum van Surabaya. Het uit 1930 daterende hotel is gereovoeerd tot een modern ingericht boutique hotel. In de zomer van 2022 was niet alles even proper. Onze keuze gaat naar de Deluxe kamers, voorzien van airco, haardroger, WiFi, TV en water...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Utami Sumekar hotel - Sumenep (Madura)
Utami Sumekar
This simple hotel is a 5-minute walk from the city square and the Palace museum and 10 minutes from the tomb of the king of Sumenep. You will stay here in a Suite, simply furnished and equipped with bathroom and air conditioning. Facilities: Restaurant and 24-hour reception meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Santika Premier Gubeng - Surabaya
Santika Gubeng
Centraal gelegen in de wijk Gubeng, modern 4* hotel uit de Santika Premiere klasse. Alle kamers hebben warm stromend water, airco, kluisje, minibar, koffie-thee faciliteiten en gratis WiFi. Het hotel beschikt over zwembad en restaurantmeer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Bahari Inn - Tegal
Bahari Inn
Eenvoudig en schoon hotel net buiten het centrum van Tegal. Standaard, Superior en Deluxe kamers, waarvan wij de Deluxe adviseren. Redelijk nieuw ingerichte kamers met iets gedateerde badkamer met badkuip, AC, minibar, waterkoker en tv. Aantal kamers: 80 Faciliteiten: Zwembad, lobby met bar...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Hotel Royal - Trawas
Royal Trawas
Het Royal Trawas hotel ligt in het heuvelachtige gebied van Tretes, Prigen en Trawas. Het hotel heeft 3 kamertypen: Deluxe, Familiesuites en 3- of 4-kamer cottages. Alle kamers beschikken over warm stromend water, airco, TV, koffie-thee faciliteiten en een privé balkon of terras.meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Surya Tretes - Tretes
Surya Tretes
The Surya Tretes hotel is a middle class hotel located in the mountains near Tretes, the former famous holiday resort. Because of the cool climate you do not need air conditioning here. All modern rooms have a bathroom with hairdryer, minibar, telephone, coffee and tea making facilities and (exc...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Ujung Genteng

Turtle beach hotel - Ujung Genteng
Turtle Beach
The Turtle Beach resort is located at about 75 kilometers or more than 2 hours by car from Pelabuhan Ratu, on the south coast of West Java. The hotel has neat rooms, and is popular by local tourists on weekends. Ujung Genteng has several highlights, of which the sea turtles are the biggest att...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Melva Balemong - Ungaran


Kresna - Wonosobo
The Gallery hotel Kresna is located in the cool highlands of central Java near Wonosobo, the base to the 26km higher Dieng plateau with the oldest Hindu temples of Java, the beautiful Telegawarna lake and hot springs. Kresna is a nostalgic hotel full of old glory where colonial and Javanese style ar...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires


Duta Garden - Yogyakarta
Duta Garden
Comfortable family hotel with very good service at a short distance from the centre. All spacious rooms have air conditioning, private bathroom and terrace with garden view. Facilities: Swimming pool, meeting room, laundry service, communication centre and 24 hour reception. meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Duta Guesthouse - Yogyakarta
Duta guesthouse
Duta Guesthouse is under the same management as hotel Duta Garden. It is a simple atmospheric guesthouse with a beautiful garden. The guesthouse is located on the very animated Jalan Prawirotaman with many boutiques and restaurants. All rooms we offer have air conditioning, private bathroom and ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jayakarta Yogyakarta
The Jayakarta is 5 km away from the centre of Yogyakarta. This 4 * hotel is ideal if you want to stay just outside the busy centre. Because of the many facilities such as the Spa and the large swimming pool you will be able to relax here after a day at Yogyakarta. All rooms have air conditioning,...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Yogyakarta Plaza - Yogyakarta
Jogjakarta Plaza
An international hotel in the university zone of Jogyakarta. A mix of Javanese architecture and modern comfort at a short distance from the Sultan's Palace and the famous shopping street Malioboro. All deluxe rooms we propose are located on the first and second floor and have AC, telephone, TV, W...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Melia Purosani - Yogyakarta
Melia Purosani
The hotel is on a prime location, next to the Marlioboro street, the most famous shopping street of Yogyakarta. The beautiful lobby will certainly impress you and the Chinese restaurant in the hotel is considered one of the best restaurants in Yogyakarta. In the two other restaurants, one of which ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Phoenix Mercure - Yogyakarta
The Phoenix is the perfect hotel to catch your breath after a tiring journey. It is in a perfect location in the heart of Yogyakarta within walking distance of the popular Jalan Malioboro. The atmospheric historic Phoenix Hotel, a colonial mansion from 1918, has now been completely renovated and ex...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Puri Artha - Yogyakarta
Puri Artha - Yogyakarta
Just outside the centre of Yogyakarta lies the very nice hotel Puri Artha. The hotel is in Balinese and Javanese style, in the rooms is used a lot of rattan, bamboo and batik. The rooms are spacious, clean and beautiful and set up in a carré shape in the garden. All rooms have a veranda with seat...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta
The luxurious 5 * resort is located about fifteen minutes from the centre of Yogyakarta and 10 minutes from the airport. All rooms are equipped with AC, telephone, TV, bathroom, hairdryer, desk, coffee / tea making facilities, minibar, safe and wifi. Number of rooms: 269 The Hyatt offers ev...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Ambarukmo Palace - Yogyakarta
Ambarukmo Palace
Completely renovated in 2011, Ambarukmo Palace is an oasis of peace and luxury, about 5 km from the well-known Jalan Marlioboro, 10 minutes from the airport and close to the shopping mall. A luxurious modern 5 * hotel with all the facilities that can be expected. All spacious rooms are equipped w...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Duta Boutique villa - Yogyakarta
Duta Boutique Villa
The new (2012) Duta boutique villa is located opposite Duta Garden. The boutique hotel is nicely set up around the pond and swimming pool. The beautiful villas are equipped with all comforts. On foot or with the becak (bicycle taxi) you can easily reach the animated Jalan Prawirotaman with its man...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Jambuluwuk Malioboro - Yogyakarta
Jambuluwuk Malioboro
The 4 * Jambuluwuk hotel in Yogyakarta is within walking or becak distance from the shopping street Jalan Malioboro, in the centre of the city. The hotel has 144 spacious and clean rooms. All rooms have air conditioning, minibar, desk, TV, safe and kettle, but no balcony or terrace. Wi-Fi is avail...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Indies Heritage - Yogyakarta
Indies Heritage
The Indies Heritage is a fairly new hotel in the nice neighbourhood of Prawirotaman, but not in the famous street itself. It is located in a parallel street. The hotel has 74 Deluxe rooms, some with balcony. The rooms are comfortable but not too big, with air conditioning, TV, a safe and a kettle. ...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Joglo Plawang - Yogyakarta
Dit Boutique resort ligt op de flanken van de Merapi vulkaan op circa 20 km vanaf het centrum van Yogyakarta en 10 km vanaf het strand. Naast een prachtige uitzicht op de Merapi vulkaan maakt u hier kennis met de Javaanse cultuur door de sfeer die het hotel uitstraalt. Joglo Plawang heeft de kam...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
KJ Hotel - Yogyakarta
KJ Hotel
The 123 rooms counting KJ Hotel is located on walking (or becak-) distance from the animated Prawirotaman district with its numerous restaurants and shops. KJ Hotel is one of the few hotels in Yogya with family rooms. The hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant and bar. All rooms have air conditi...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Dusun Yogya village Inn
Dusun Yogya village Inn
Het kleinschalige (24 kamers) Dusun Yogya village Inn boutique hotel ligt op zo'n 15 minuten lopen van de gezellige Jalan Praworitaman. Het hotel is weids opgezet met de Deluxe kamers in een 2 verdiepingen tellend gebouw. Alle kamers beschikken over eigen badkamer/toilet, ruim zitje of balkon, airco...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Joglo Mandapa - Yogyakarta
Joglo Mandapa
Op een klein half uurtje rijden van het centrum van Yogyakarta ligt Joglo Mandapa temidden van de rijstvelden in een oase van rust. Het klassiek Javaanse boutique hotel herbergt zo'n 20 kamers, verdeeld over suites, executive en deluxe kamers. De suites en executive hebben een king- of queensize bed...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Memory lanes in Java | 03-08-2024
Merapi Tour heeft wederom laten zien dat alles glad kan verlopen. Geen haperingen in transport met taxi cq trein.
Toch helaas, maar daar kan Merapi Tour niets aan doen! Vanaf de balie van een van de hotels werd gewezen op een taxi.
"There is Your Taxi!" Dat was niet de taxi die geboekt was door Me... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis Java (single) | 25-10-2023
Review Rondreis Java 25-10-2023 t/m 03-11-2023
Privé auto met chauffeur vanaf Jakarta tot aan vertrek in Surabaya 25-10-2023 t/m 03-11-2023
⦁ 1 x : Busje of auto o.b.v. max. 2 personen
Fijne luxe wagen, Yogi is een vaardige, veilige en leuke chauffeur die uitstekend engels sprak en ook goede sugg... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis West Java | 10-09-2023
Beste Jan,
Fantastische reis gehad. Over het algemeen alles goed verlopen.

Hotel Savoy Homann zag er op het eerste gezicht fraai uit, maar achter de façades erg verlopen: meubilair en vloerbedekking op de kamer versleten, badkamer beetje viezig - water in wastafel liep slecht weg, afvoer stonk... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis Midden- en Oost Java, sporen zoeken | 26-07-2023
Hartelijk dank.

De chauffeur was geweldig en heeft ons erg goed geholpen om op alle plaatsen te komen die wij graag wilde bezoeken. Het vinden van het graf van mej. Otto van de van der Steur weeshuizen was niet eenvoudig. Zonder de chauffeur Egahenda was dit waarschijnlijk niet gelukt. Daarnaast ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Meraih Bintang Java tour | 06-03-2023
Ik heb echt genoten van mijn vakantie.
Onze gids Rudi en chauffeur Anang verdienen werkelijk een hele grote pluim!
Ze hebben beiden al het mogelijke gedaan en meer.
Het min-puntje was inderdaad de enkele excusies, zoals de becak tour.
De becak tour was erg leuk maar ondanks dat het in het progr... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Meraih Bintang Java tour | 06-03-2023
Hallo Flip,

Bedankt voor je welkomstmail.
Door een aantal zaken die na de vakantie prioriteit moesten krijgen, heb ik niet eerder kunnen reageren. Excuses daarvoor.

Ik denk dat je van (de) andere Meraih Bintang reizigers al reacties hebt ontvangen.
De reis is ons bijzonder goed bevallen, wan... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Meraih Bintang Java tour | 06-03-2023
Beste heer Stoltenborgh,

Wij zijn weer thuis en aan het bijkomen van een lange reis terug, vol indrukken die verwerkt moeten worden alvorens ze een vast plekje in ons geheugen gaan innemen. Het was een heel avontuur dat eigenlijk nog wel een weekje uitpuffen op een strandje had verdiend ????!
Ov... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Weerzien met Java | 02-08-2022
Hierbij een kort verslag van mijn reis door Java.
Bij aankomst in de luchthaven Soekarno-Hatta, moesten alle passagiers in de rij om IRP 500.000 te betalen voor een visum.
Na betaling nog eens in een rij, om het visum in ontvangst te nemen, na vragen over de bedoeling van de reis. Verder kan ik ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java roots en Bali | 01-06-2022
Beste Jan,

Hartelijk dank voor de welkomsmail.

HET WAS FANTASTISCH !!! Wat een geweldige mooie reis hebben wij gehad. Het was enorm genieten.
Alle adressen voor wat betreft de roots, hebben wij bezocht en in vele gevallen bekeken en rondleidingen gehad. Wat een vriendelijke en behulpzame men... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis Java | 16-12-2019
Beste Jan en Flip

Onze kennismaking met Indonesië, Java was indrukwekkend.
Wat een ervaring en wat hebben we veel gezien en gedaan.
De reis was perfect door jullie georganiseerd. Alle accommodaties waren sfeervol en heel prettig om te verblijven. Guesthouse Rumah Boedi vonden we echt geweldig.... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis 20 dagen klassiek Java en Bali | 15-09-2019
Hi Priscilla,
Onze vakantie was perfect georganiseerd en we hebben ervan genoten.
We hebben in overleg diverse evenementen gedaan en ook niet gedaan omdat het anders te veel voor ons was.

Wat wij als storend hebben ervaren is de manier van Nanang en de gidsen om meer tips te krijgen.
Nanang ge... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Familie rondreis Yogyakarta en oost Java | 15-07-2019
Goedemorgen Jan, Allereerst bedankt voor de leuke geste in de vorm van 10.000 Rp voor ieder ! Wij hebben allemaal genoten van deze reis, van de excursies , de Hotels enz. Maar vooral ook van onze reisleider Agung, een rustige pretigge man met aandacht voor zowel klein, jong en oud. Maar ook de cha... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis Java en Bali | 11-05-2019
Hoi Flip,
Dank voor je bericht. Wij hadden een heerlijke reis, alles was prima geregeld en in orde. Complimenten voor onze chauffeur; die was top! En inderdaad die kookcursus was erg leuk!! Absoluut niet toeristisch en erg gezellig.
Achteraf was het programma te vol en hadden we langer op één plek... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Reisagent door Java en Bali | 18-09-2018
Met zoveel keuze op het gebied van Indonesiëreizen en ik zelf als reisagent die graag haar klanten goed wil adviseren, kwam ik terecht bij Merapi, daar waar mijn collega/vriendin Priscilla ook werkzaam voor is.
Priscilla heeft goed naar mijn wensen geluisterd en de uitstekende service van hun agen... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondreis Java | 23-07-2018
Jan en Flip hielpen goed, snel en zonder poespas met het maken van een programma. Veranderen was ook geen enkel probleem en ter plekke was alles gewoon perfect.
Wat ze beloven doen ze ook en nergens viel er iets tegen. Onze reis was precies zoals we hadden gehoopt. Zeker te tip van Baturaden heeft... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java en Bali rootsreis | 20-07-2017
Dag Vera,

We zijn weer thuis na een prachtige reis door Java en Bali. Schitterende natuur, vriendelijke en erg gastvrije mensen en heerlijk Indisch eten. Bij sommige lokale mensen werden we uitgenodigd om hun huis te bekijken en koffie of thee te drinken. Mijn geboortehuis en het ziekenhuis in Bo... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java roots en Bali | 19-07-2017
Beste Jan, Vera en Flip,

Wij hebben genoten van een hele fijne vakantie.
Mooi programma, fijne hotels en een goede uitwisseling van info, zoals het ophaalschema op Bali en bijbehorende vouchers.
In Sidemen moesten we uitwijken naar een ander hotel, Abian Ayu: een prachtige locatie, dus een prim... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java op maat | 13-02-2017
Beste Jan en medewerkers van Merapti Tour & Trafel.
Hierbij laten wij u weten dat dit een bijzondere reis is geweest
het is erg goed gegaan en vooral met onze chauffeur Pak Minto zeer
goed gereden sprak redelijk Nederlands en ikzelf redelijk Behassa Indonesia, dus kwamen we er goed uit.De gehele... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Round trip Java | 01-01-2017
Hi Merapi,

wanted to let you know that we had a wonderfull trip over Java. Although the traffic between Jakarta and Bandung was a complete mess, we enjoyed all the local culture and the sweet and wonderfull people.
Special thanks to Jumaidi, our driver. He did a wonderfull job!

We will spread... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java rondreis | 05-09-2016
Beste Vera,

We hebben een fantastische reis gehad. Je vroeg mij om een bericht te sturen hoe het geweest is. Nu in een woord geweldig. Komar is een fantastische chauffeur. Hij was aardig, reed goed, wist goede restaurants te vinden, gaf ons adviezen, ja hij was geweldig. Wij hebben ook goed voo... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java | 20-07-2016
Dag Jan,
Wij zijn vrijdag terug gekomen van onze reis naar Indonesië. Het was een fantastische reis en hebben veel mooie dingen kunnen zien en meemaken. Ik heb nog wel een aantal dingen die ik je graag wil doorgeven die niet helemaal goed zijn verlopen. Misschien kunnen jullie dit meenemen voor and... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java-Bali rondreis met privé groep | 07-05-2016
Beste Jan,

We zijn gisteren goed en wel thuisgekomen! De reis is prima verlopen. Iedereen is heel enthousiast! Ik wil u dan ook bedanken voor de prachtige organisatie! Wees er van overtuigd dat dit een positieve reclame is van ieder van ons voor jullie reisorganisatie!
Ook dikke pluim voor m... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java-Bali rondreis met privé groep | 07-05-2016
Bali-Amsterdam... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Midden Java | 07-12-2015
Hallo jan,

Ofschoon al een aantal weken terug in Nederland, wil ik ( en mijn broer Jan ) jou bedanken voor je hulp m.b.t. bovengenoemde “kleine” rondreis door midden Java t.w. Yogya – Pangandaran – Magelang – Solo. De hotels, waar wij verbleven, waren goed en ook/vooral de chauffeur Anton. Hij ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java en Bali roots | 27-07-2015
Beste Vera, Flip,

Vanmorgen beluisterde ik toevallig de oude voicemail van Flip op 1 juni, waarin hij mij uitnodigde voor een eerste gesprek in Overasselt.
In heel korte tijd hebben wij daarna samen, ook met mijn kinderen, een reis op maat in elkaar gezet en is de reis definitief geregeld.
Gew... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java-Bali | 04-05-2015
Beste Merapi-mensen,

Onze Java-Bali reis is ten einde. Elke dag was vol verrassingen.
De kennismaking met de lokale bedrijvigheid zoals de rijstcultuur, de theeplantages, het duurzame gebruik van de kokospalm en bamboe etc. Het bezoek aan kampongs met lokale gidsen, de vriendelijkheid van de me... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Yogyakarta en oost Java | 12-09-2014
Beste mensen van Merapi,

Alweer ruim een week thuis na een geweldige reis door Indonesie wil ik uw organisatie van harte bedanken voor de goede zorgen en organisatie van het pakket Bouwstenen 6 dagen Yogya en Oost-Java, waarmee ik met mijn zoon Henk van 12-9-2014 tot 18-9-2014 op reis ben gegaan... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java en Bali | 25-08-2014
Beste Jan,

We hebben een schitterende vakantie gehad, erg genoten van Java en Bali, toch met name van de natuur, maar ook van de Borobudur en de Prambanan de Bromo vulkaan en wat het actieve gedeelte van de vakantie betreft het snorkelen, fietsen en raften een leuke ervaring.
Onze vakantie is a... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java en Bali | 30-07-2014
Beste Jan en Vera,

Terima kasih banyak!
We hebben een geweldige vakantie gehad, ontzettend veel gezien en gedaan. Mede dankzij onze superchauffeur Toni. We houden contact met hem, in steenkolenbahasa weliswaar, maar dat is juist het leuke. We gunnen iedereen zo'n fijne chauffeur.
Zouden jullie ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java en Bali | 29-07-2014
Hallo Priscilla, we zijn weer gezond en wel terug in Nederland.

Het is een mooie en leuke reis geweest waarbij wij zeer tevreden zijn over de door jullie geadviseerde en geregelde zaken.

Even in het kort een reisverslag met bijzonderheden,

Aankomst Jakarta 22.35, het duurde echter bijna 2 ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java-Bali | 23-07-2014
Hallo Vera,

We zijn al 3 weken tuis mar ik heb in het vliegtuig kouw gevat en ben een tijd ziek geweest. Het gaat nu weer goed.

Onze reis was geweldig ! We haden een heel goede driver - wat hebben ze veel concentratie nodig om dar te kunnen rijden ! Hij was wel een moslem, die wel lunchde o... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java met zoektocht naar roots | 22-07-2014
Hi Vera,

Inmiddels zijn we weer thuis. Het was een onvergetelijke reis, we hebben zo genoten van de prachtige natuur, heerlijke eten (best is in Tugu hotel!), en alle geweldige mooie dingen.

Bovenal was onze chauffeur Cepi echt TOP! zonder hem waren we nooit bij het kamp, en de onderneming van... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java | 01-09-2013
Geachte heer Wezendonk,

Graag wil ik reageren op uw verzoek om onze reiservaringen door te geven.

Chauffeur: prima man, die ons goed heeft geholpen, meer dan hij als chauffeur verplicht was te doen.
Gemakkelijk voor ons dat hij redelijk Nederlands praat. Aan te bevelen aan andere Nederlande... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Oost Java naar Jakarta | 09-09-2012
Beste Vera,

In antwoord op uw schrijven van 20 aug, doen we gaarne verslag van onze reis met onze reiservaringen daarin.

Ja, we zijn alweer twee bijna drie weken terug, en we draaien alweer volop in het dagelijkse ritme mee. Het was in het begin toch een klein beetje wennen, maar dat lijkt ook... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Java-Bali Mei 2011 | 09-05-2011
Geachte Mevrouw Vera en medewerkers/-sters,

Even een reactie nu we weer veilig en uitermate tevreden na de door uw Merapi Tour & Travel voorbereide Indonesië-reis Java/Bali zijn teruggekeerd.
Veelal een “feest van de herkenning” na zeventien jaren. Al is er vanzelfsprekend in al die jaren veel ... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondje Java, uitgebreid verslag | 01-05-2011
Amsterdam-Jakarta-Pelabuhan Ratu-Bandung-Garut-Pangandaran-Magelang-Yogya-Malang-Kalibaru-Sukamade-Probolingo-Sarangan-Semarang-Cirebon-Linggarjati-Jakarta-Amsterdam... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Rondje Java, uitgebreid verslag | 01-05-2011
Verslag van onze Java-reis in april-mei 2011
Na onze vakantie in 2009 met de Roots- en Music- reis in 2009 met Wouter Müller, besloten wij dit jaar 2011 weer een reis te plannen bij Merapi Tours.
Nu wilden we een langere reis en dus een maand voluit genieten van het land waar we geboren werden. Ma... meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Excursies Excursions

On this tour you will see some of the highlights of Jakarta. You will visit the harbor Sunda Kelapa, the fish market Pasar Ikan, the Museum Bahari (maritime museum) and the National Museum, Fatahilah square and the National monument Monas.... Meer infoMore info

In this large open-air museum you get a complete picture of Indonesia. The museum shows you the different areas and cultures of Indonesia. Some buildings can be seen in full size, such as temples and traditional houses. There are also miniature views of, for example, the famous Borobudur. The park a... Meer infoMore info

Kebun Raya is Indonesia's oldest botanical garden, and it covers an area of ​​87 hectares. It used to be 's Lands Botanic Garden in Buitenzorg, later it was renamed Kebun Raya Bogor when Indonesian President Soekarno moved into the palace.
It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

Aan het eind van de middag wordt u uitgenodigd om een bezoek te brengen aan de school TK Meraih Bintang. De jeugd informeert u in verrassend goed Engels welke buitenschoolse activiteiten ze hier ontplooien. Ook bezoekt u wat kleine projectjes van stichting Meraih Bintang en gebruikt u 's avonds het ... Meer infoMore info

Take a look at the famous angklungschool Saung Angklung Udjo. Led by the descendants of the late Pak Udjo, a large group of enthusiastic children gives a dazzling show with a wayang performance, angklung music and dance. The performance starts at around 3:30 PM.... Meer infoMore info

This temple is one of the few Hindu temples in Indonesia. The temple dates from the eighth century and is built on a peninsula in Lake Cangkuang. Enjoy the beautiful, peaceful environment. To get here you can first travel by horse and cart and then on a bamboo raft.... Meer infoMore info

You can relax in the various pools of the Ciater Hotsprings. The water is heated by the nearby volcano Tangkuban Perahu.... Meer infoMore info

Gunung Mas tea plantation is located on the flanks of the Puncak. Here you can see how the ladies in particular pick the tea.... Meer infoMore info

Kampung Naga is one of the most beautiful and traditional villages in West Java. Although the village is close to modern civilization, the community has retained its unique, special culture and the traditional architectural style can also be found here. It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

The Malabar Tea Factory was founded in 1896. At the time a daring venture, but still very successful. The Dutchman K.A.R. Bosscha has played a large part in this and his grave can be found on the Malabar site. Malabar is one of the most important tea plantations in Indonesia. The impressive tea fiel... Meer infoMore info

The Papandayan with its four craters is an impressive volcano. The stratovolcano erupted last time in 1772. The summit is easily accessible and well worth a visit.... Meer infoMore info

This active volcano last erupted in 1983 and is 2084 meters high. You can walk around here and it is possible to get to the crater. You can also view the hot springs. It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha is a big name in the city of Bandung. He has built one of the most important tea factories in Indonesia, the Malabar Tea Factory, which you can also visit. Moreover, the observatory he co-founded was named after Bosscha. His grave can be found on the Malabar site and is s... Meer infoMore info

From Pangandaran you drive in about two hours to the river, where you board a local wooden boat. You will sail up the green river in about half an hour to the rapids. The many waterfalls and all the greenery around you make it a fairytale environment.... Meer infoMore info

The tour goes partly over the river Citanduy and then over an inland sea. Bring earplugs, because the diesel engine makes a lot of noise!... Meer infoMore info

This nature reserve, located near Pangandarab, is very suitable for a beautiful jungle tour. The area has a rich flora and fauna.... Meer infoMore info

De Green Canyon is een prachtig gebied. Met een bootje vaart u over de rivier, midden door de natuur. De vele watervalletjes en al het groen om u heen maken er een sprookjesachtige tocht van. Wanneer u van de boot af gaat maakt u een jungletocht samen met uw gids. Laat u verrassen door de prachtige ... Meer infoMore info

This approximately two hundred year old palace is still in good condition and is one of the main attractions in East Java. The palace has several special rooms and also has a large art collection. It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

A fun and relaxed way to get acquainted with daily life in central Java.
You will be picked up from your hotel at 7am and taken to the village of Bantarkulon. This is where your bike tour starts and you see the people working in the rice fields, visit a school (if open), home weaving, a tempe facto... Meer infoMore info

In the afternoon, around 2:30 PM, you will be picked up by motorbike taxi for the culinary Yogya tour. Take a peek into local kitchens and sample the specialties of Yogyakarta.
You will return to the hotel around 7:00 PM.... Meer infoMore info

The best way to view the city of Yogyakarta is of course with the typical Indonesian means of transport, the betjak. In other words, a bicycle taxi. Get in the trolley spun for a bike and let yourself be driven around.... Meer infoMore info

The famous temple complex, built in the ninth century, is well worth a visit. The complex is 47 meters high and consists of nine different 'floors'. Be surprised by this impressive structure and try to imagine how it was constructed centuries ago. It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

Candirejo, a traditional Javanese village that is rich in its natural environment and is promoted for village tourism, portraying traditional Javanese culture and everyday life through traditional houses, plantation sources, art performances, ceremonies, agriculture and local food. You participate... Meer infoMore info

These two temples probably date from the same period as the Borobudur. It could be that they were part of one big design. In the Mendut temple you can find a number of special and large statues. When you walk in you stand directly opposite a three meter high Buddha statue. Both temples were restored... Meer infoMore info

Built around the year 900, this temple has both Hindu and Buddhist features. This is because it was commissioned by a Buddhist king and a Hindu queen. The temple contains many small and large statues, all beautifully decorated.... Meer infoMore info

Located about 17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta, the Prambanan temple complex is the largest Hindu-Javanese complex in Indonesia. The temples were built around the eighth century, but were abandoned quite shortly afterwards, so that the complex is quite dilapidated. The reconstruction did not start... Meer infoMore info

This Javanese ballet performance tells a beautiful love story. Enjoy the costumes, the music and the environment. The location of the ballet is the Prambanan temple, which brings everything into a special atmosphere. Besides the performance you will also get a delicious Indonesian dinner.... Meer infoMore info

Built around the ninth century, this palace stands on a 200-meter high plateau. Many temple ruins have been found in the Prambanan area, but ruins of buildings such as palaces are rare. The view you have from this palace is impressive, you look out over the Prambanan plain and see the Merapi behind ... Meer infoMore info

The kraton (palace) is the heart of the city. It is a wonderful example of Javanese palace architecture. Every space has a different meaning. Because of this harmonic construction, the universe would remain in balance. It is possible to hire a guide on site.... Meer infoMore info

You have to get up early for a sunrise... Between 4 and 4.30 am your driver will be waiting and will take you to a mountain with a beautiful view of Borobudur. Once the sun has risen, enjoy breakfast before heading to the temple complex.
The Borobudur is the world famous and largest Buddhist temple... Meer infoMore info

The water palace was built around 1760 and served as a seaside resort for the sultan and his harem. It used to be an impressive system of palaces and underground corridors. Nowadays, not everything is intact, but you can still visit the baths and walk through some corridors. It is possible to hire a... Meer infoMore info

Diving trips Java

Kura Kura resort
Although Java has more than 3.000 km of coastline there is only one place for diving and snorkelling: Karimunjawa. The island with the surrounding atolls are situated in front of the coast of Semarang in the Java sea.
This bounty island is in particular known by divers. No wonder, with wonderful corals and lots of colourful fish you step directly into a tropical aquarium. The luxurious Kura Kura resort is the top accommodation.

There are regular boat services from Semarang and Jepara. From Semarang and Surabaya there are flights to Karimunjawa .

Duiken Diving Java

Alam Kita - Karimunjawa
Alam Kita
Het kleinschalige Alam Kita resort ligt aan de noordwestkust van het eiland Karimunjawa. Het resort ligt direct aan het strand en via de jetty is het al goed snorkelen. De sfeer in het resort is super relaxed en lekker informeel. De bungalows liggen deels op een helling, voor gasten met een rolstoe...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
Kura Kura resort - Karimunjawa
Kura Kura resort
The luxury boutique resort is located on the island of Kura Kura at the Karimunjawa islands. Kura Kura is Indonesian for turtles, where the resort has a special nursery for them. The resort has 15 superior and luxury cottages, 19 private pool villas and two family pool villas. Everything is very lu...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires
The Happinezz Hills Karimunjawa
The Happinez Hills
The Happinez Hills is a new (2019) hotel on a hill, just 2 kilomters away from the alun-alun, city centre and 3 kilomters from white sandy beaches. At a 2 minutes walk is the panoramic Bukit Love viewpoint. The hotel has 16 rooms, a swimming pool and restaurant. All rooms are equiped with private...meer infomore infoInformations supplémentaires

Cruises Java

Merapi doesn't organise cruises (yet) on or around Java.


KrakatauAt this time, we don't offer liveboards in this region.

Private villas

Villa Pantai Candidasa For the time being we do not offer private villas in this region.